Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hidden Assumptions

I took two tests the Skin Tone one and the Sexuality one

1. I wasn't surprised by my results because I kind of expected it. That doesn't mean I was really happy with them though. It's a lot harsher seeing things about yourself that you already suspect are true, right in front of your eyes than to just come to the conclusion on your own.

2. I believe that my tests results say something about my that I was already consciously aware of. I have an open mind so I could switch views depending on the situation. I don't think it's something that I need to keep in the front of my mind though.

3. I think there is some great truth to these tests because when I was being diagnosed with ADHD they put me through similar tests, only with numbers and I was at an actual doctors office. I do think that there are some added subjects that could alter your results which is why I think that in order to get a sure fire result there will have to be numerous times that the test is taken.

4. I personally think that people associate good with lighter colors subconsciously and bad with darker skin because we live in a society where dark is bad. The references to darkness in modern day teaches us that. Scary movies and paranormal things happen in the dark and the truths about themselves that people don't want to think about are hidden in the dark. From personal experience, because I have darker skin and hair than my friend who has lighter skin and hair and bigger eyes, people automatically assume that i'm more hard-headed or that she's nicer. We both have a similar skill set but I think that since I'm naturally a darker figure, people, especially older people, subconsciously pick her out to be the more kind hearted of us.

5. People will always jump to false conclusions whether they're consciously aware of it or not. I don't think it's something that we can prevent. We can lessen it though and make it so that people's assumptions are about little things and that they keep an open mind. We can make it so that people may assume but they don't let that stop them from getting to know the person. Or, they can assume good things, and if they're bad then it's not a big deal because it may not be true or not. Their is only a problem when people turn their assumptions into gossip and lies.

Monday, October 22, 2012

What is TOK? Why TOK?

What is TOK?

TOK is theory of knowledge. It's how we know why we know things. The study of learning and why we have reason. It's testing our minds to think beyond what we've been told and what we've read and learned. To try and find our own ways of knowing and our own reasoning for why we think the things we do. 

Why TOK?

Because its a way to challenge us to find out why we know the things we've come to know and understand. It's a good course that's outside the normal academic structure and is good for students to understand why they have the thoughts and ideas they have. TOK is important in understanding the world.