Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sensory Adaptation & Deprivation

Selective attention v Inattention blindness

Selective attention is when you are able to focus on some environmental factors and block out others where as inattention blindness is closely associated with sensory overload where there may be too many things going on to catch everything. Inattention blindness is more, not catching things that were there whereas selective attention is being aware of what's around you and choosing to specifically focus in on certain things, this is sometimes called hyperfocus.

Personal experience:
Inattentive blindness while watching a movie for the first time, this happens to everyone. I doubt anyone can recall every detail of a movie they've seen after watching it only for the first time. This is because of stimuli overload. Movies are long and many things happen right after another and you're so busy focusing on the big picture that you fail to see some important details. For example I recently watched The Lord Of The Rings and those movies are extremely long. And I think that I watched them pretty closely or whatever but then I went on the internet on a blogging website called Tumblr and there were GIF images of the movie and there were some GIFs of Legolas who is a big side-character and the images were of some of the facial expressions that he made through the movie and they were really funny, and blatantly obvious, but I failed to catch a lot of them.
Selective attention in the classroom for example. Since you're in the room everyday with the same people and things aren't that different you can choose what to focus on and what to block out. For example when you're taking a test, you can choose to focus on the test in hand and block out the person next to you who is tapping their pencil on their desk. I've found this hard to do through my life because of my attention deficit disorder, but when I do focus on the task at hand, it's possible to block out certain things.

AOK Sense perception
Sensory attention and inattention blindness apply to sense perception because they're both about seeing and experiencing the things around you. Both also fall under interpreting what you see and what you catch and notice, like with inattention blindness and turning into information that makes sense in your head. With sensory attention, you sense what you're focusing on and everything around you and perceive it in a way that lets you choose what you want to block out from the environment. Inattention blindness is sense perception because even though you may not catch every detail, some details that are obvious you're still sensing what's around you and what you're experiencing and perceiving it in a way that makes sense. It may not make sense why you missed why you did, the second time around, but inattention blindness is still sense perception.

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