Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog Reflection Assignment

1. Emotion and memory are co-dependent on one another. A person's memory might be triggered by a certain and sudden emotion or an emotion may be in result of a remembered memory. Emotion can almost always associate with memory, even in the case of not being able to remember something, the emotion of frustration or absence is present. For example, an emotion can be brought to your senses when you remember a special event like going to the concert of your favorite band. The memory can make you happy or sad. An example for memory brought on by an emotion is feeling sadness and remembering all the other times you were sad and why. 

2. High reason is the ability to make decisions without letting emotion get in the way. The somatic hypothesis is that when we are faced with decision making that involves a lot of reasoning and hard-core thinking, our emotions take over because we want to choose the best option for ourselves. The way that I go about doing this is that I don't think too much about doing them. If I don't want to do something then I won't do it and If i want to do something I'll do it and not think too much about the consequences. I guess my way of thinking is strongly based on emotion maybe? Since I go about doing homework and planning things when it's convenient for me and not when it's the best overall time to do them.

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